On Demand Webinars

Autism, Parent as an Advocate and Collaboration:

Prepare for Launch: Benefits to an Interprofessional Approach Throughout Childhood to Facilitate Transition to Adulthood for Individuals with Autism

Judith A. Lucas, MD

Recent Developments in the Field of Autism and Medications in the Child with Autism

Judith A. Lucas, MD

Developing Collaborative Competencies thru Community Based Health Programs

Louricha A. Opina-Tan , MD

Discovering Action Points: Assessments of Determinants of Collaboration in Education and Practice

Louricha A. Opina-Tan , MD

Interdisciplinary Clinical Assessment of Young Children with Developmental Disabilities

Shalini Das, M.ED., MSC OT, BCBA

Let’s Work Together: A Framework for Effective Collaboration Competencies


ABA and Speech Therapy: Overlapping But Complementing


As a Mother and Advocate: “Finding the Path Together”

Sakurako Tanaka , PHD, BCBA-D

A Parent’s Role in Cultivating a Lifestyle of Learning, in the School, Home and Community

Marianne Clancy

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA):

Relationship between Stereotyped Behaviors, Interests and Atypical Sensory Responses in Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder – A Board Certified Behavior Analyst and an Occupational Therapist’s Perspective

Shalini Das, M.ED., MSC OT, BCBA

Communication and Language Improvement: “Listen! Now hear that sound?: An Introduction to Phonetics for the ABA Therapists”

Sakurako Tanaka, PHD, BCBA-D

Why do Children with Autism Flap their Hands: A Review in Stereotypical and Repetitive Behaviors

Ling Chong, MSC BCBA 

Corporate Culture & Applied Behaviour Analysis: From Contigency-Shaped to Rule-Governed Behaviour Using Organizational Behavior Management (OBM)

Maria Relucio, PHD, BCBA, IBA

Putting the Fun(ctional) in NET: Designing and Teaching NET Lesson Plans and Essential Living LRND Events

Laura Ferguson, MA, BCBA

Feeding Problems in Children with ASD

Kylan S. Turner, PHD, BCBA-D, LBA

Sleep Intervention for Children with Autism

Robert Davidson, MS, BCBA

Teach the Mand Using Augmentative System and Pushing for Vocals

Jennifer Donnelly, MADS, BCBA

Teaching Social Skills and Play Skills

Jennifer Donnelly, MADS, BCBA

Can my Child Talk? Evidence for the Emergence of Vocals in Non-Vocal Children with Autism

Sakurako Tanaka, PHD, BCBA-D

Introduction to Practical Functional Assessment (PFA) and Skill Based Treatment (SBT)

Michael Ray, MA, BCBA and Kristine Gomez, MA ED, BCBA

Practical Applications of the PFA and SBT

Michael Ray, MA, BCBA and Kristine Gomez, MA ED, BCBA